Thursday, August 16, 2018

Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year!

Welcome to the 2018-2019 School Year!

My name is Mrs. de Witt and I will be your teacher!

I little bit about me….

When you first meet me, some of you might think that I sound funny when I speak.  I sound different than most of you mommies and daddies, because I  lived in a country far away.  When I want to visit my family on a special long holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas, I can't even drive to their house in my car! I have to fly for two days in the biggest airplane. Maybe we can search on a world map to see if we can find South Africa. Did you know that lions, giraffes, elephants, zebras, leopards, rhinoceros and hippopotamus live in the wild in Africa? Their home is  the African  Savanna where it is always sunny and hot. My house was not close to the wild animals, because that would have been way too dangerous! I lived in a town just like High River. My big brother and I could walk to school and on super hot days our principal allowed children to go to school without shoes. Strange, right? It is because children don't like sweaty feet. On rainy days we could play in mud puddles during recess. Some of my friends splashed in the puddles and got really dirty! Sometimes, we would even bake mud pies. Imagine  climbing in your mommies car with muddy feet, hands or maybe even mud on your nose.
When I was little like you, we didn't have a TV or an i-pad, but we were always happy to go on nature walks and play outside. I still love being in nature and admire the beautiful world that God created for us to live in, and take care of. Although it is much colder in Canada, I still go on nature walks and I get so excited when I see the grass turns green after the long, snowy winters. Or when I see baby ducklings follow their mommies to the pond in Spring time. At my house in High River, I even feed the little wild birds and squirrels each day.  We bought a heated bird bath, so that the water will not freeze during winter months.
I still  go on nice long walks each day and  I make sure I bring my camera.  I like to take pictures of the river, flowers, ladybugs, butterflies, dragonflies, trees, deer, birds and squirrels. I am always worried  when the little animals scurry away, and I wonder if they feel scared?  I feel nervous when I have to meet new people or visit places I've never been before. Do you feel worried, scared or nervous to come to big school? You shouldn't because we will explore and discover new things together. I like to think our class a special little garden. Strange, right? But listen to this:

"In our garden, we are great friends, architects, risk takers, 
den builders, explorers and nature detectives."

Here is a  little peek into our day in Pre-Kindergarten

"The phrase CHILD'S PLAY is part of our language. It ought to mean that quality of spontaneity, imagination, wholehearted concentration, and joy which should mark all children at play. " 
-Charlotte Mason

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